Over the past few years, the U.S Army has been scouting out the best weapons to enhance the firepower of personal security operatives. In 2018, they set forth a competition to allow gunmakers to enter their gun models as entries. Manufacturers in the competition included renown companies like Global Ordinance, Shield Arms, and Trident Rifles. After evaluating numerous innovative firearms for efficiency and compatibility, they’ve finally decided to go with Swiss gun manufacturer B&T. The deal, worth 2.5 million dollars, was settled in March of 2019 and will provide at least 350 Sub Compact Weapons (SCW) with options to buy up to 1,000.

Compatibility Reigns Supreme

While we don’t know exactly which SCW the U.S Army has invested in, we do have some suspects. Since their competition requirements stated that the firearms they were seeking cannot have a side-folding stock, the MP9 machine pistol is off the list. On the other hand, the APC9 Semi Automatic handgunAPC9 Pro K meets quite a few of the requirements, such as retracting stock, low weight, and a barrel shorter than five inches. Though this model is only offered with semi-automatic firing, it can surely be adjusted for full auto to satisfy army requirements. The APC9 Pro K may also be the model of choice because it can be equipped with three different types of magazine clips. This particular feature may be a dead giveaway that the army has selected this SCW because back in 2017, the Army invested in P320 handguns to replace as the new standard sidearm. In other words, the same ammunition used for the current standard sidearm can also be used in the APC9 Pro K Glock pistol magazine. Such availability cuts down on wasting resources, reduces the amount of time one has to reload, and effectively will save lives in the long run. 

Unexpected, But Much Needed

While it’s not entirely clear why the Army has decided to change its standard firearm for personal security measures, it’s assumed that the reduced firepower will help cut down on innocent casualties and wall penetration. On foreign soil, merely traveling between locations can provide a series of dangers that can only be mitigated with proper firepower. Engaging in combat whilst in a vehicle, or close quarters will surely benefit from the kind of SCW the U.S Army is investing in. While the near-obsolete MP5 may have provided higher levels of armor-penetration, it is now clear that other alternatives offer more tact. With the possibility of seamless ammunition across magazines, more can be done in shorter amounts of time.

At Delray Shooting Center, we carry all of the models mentioned above to help you enhance your security. We have guns for sale from the top brands of today, with rarities offered by no other gun shops. Here, you purchase a handgun, then immediately practice your aim to ensure you’re comfortable with your selection. We have B&T’s guns for sale as well, including the APC9 semi-automatic handgun and the pro series which the Army is interested in. We’re the one-stop gun shop, so if you have any questions about our models, take a ride over anytime to check out the stock.